Hi gorgeous,

i’m Erin

i am an old soul, a romantic wholesome rebel who is devoted to unconditional freedom, sexual sovereignty, & experiencing life through an artist’s lens. lover of music that brings tears to my eyes, poetry i can feel in my bones, travel to unknown locations, & our ever evolving divine mother earth. equal parts wild + tamed.

i believe my journey always was & is, there was no beginning & no end. however, as i reflect there is one moment that sparked my “unraveling” you could say. it was 2016, i was living in san francisco, california. I was in my second year of fashion school and one day had a sudden epiphany. I was no longer inspired to continue down the path i had chosen for myself. ultimately, my world was shattering & the only thing i was certain of was… i desired deeply to travel & see the world.

may of 2016 i packed all my things in storage & set out on a world adventure with no idea where it was going to take me. i traveled all throughout Southeast asia, europe, the uk, and ended up moving to australia for 3 years after. my travels allowed me to begin to discover what my truest values were & how i desired to lead my life.

throughout this period abroad i was exposed to a diverse plethora of cultures & ways of life that ignited a sense of inspiration for me. i studied yoga in india and australia which guided me to contemplate the way i was relating to myself, others, & our planet.


as the path of healing pulled me in, i was confronted with some deeply rooted beliefs and traumas i had around my sexuality. reflecting on years of disempowering sex & disconnection from my pleasure & body i thought, there has to be more to intimacy than this…

i became insatiable. i went to nude yoga workshops, women’s circles, received my first yoni massage, began an intentional self pleasure practice, and dove into my studies around coming back to the sacredness of sexuality & reconnecting to my yoni. this was the catalyst.

i desired to feel liberated in my sexuality & reclaim the parts of myself that had been fragmented over the years. as i softened, crumbled, & opened i became so deeply intimate with myself; i felt unstoppable. & i absolutely needed to share this & committed to this path ever since…

i continue to meet and unlayer new parts of myself everyday. & i desire nothing more than to support other vulva-havers in this revolutionary journey back home to your erotic nature.

i believe conscious intimacy & authentic sexual expression is the portal into living the most robust life possible! It is the ‘crÈme de la crÈme’ in this humbling human experience.

certified somatic sex coach & therapeutic yoni massage practitioner / studied with kristin murray at yonilicious academy of women’s health & sexuality

becoming majestic certification, energetic mastery & healing / studied with heike fleischer, the becoming majestic tm certification

ryt 200 akhanda yoga / studied under himalayan yoga master yogrishi vishvketu Anand prakash yoga ashram, rishikesh, india

ryt 800 purna yoga / lineage of Iyengar & k. pattabhi jois byron yoga centre, byron bay, australia
